Sunday, 11 January 2015

New-ish year New focus

Well a whole lot of things have happened since Novembers post, not least of which was Him in Doors popped the question! I am now a fiancé, sounds rather grown up doesn't it! We've been pootling along merrily for years, with the odd sarcastic comment thrown in by me about my unwedded status when he finally took me out for a meal sans daughter and asked me to marry him, needless to say I did accept :D 
(I should've guessed something was up when the stars aligned to have a child free evening out together!) 

Now back to your scheduled program of sewing and quilting!
I made another picnic quilt, this one is a long time gone to it's new home but I love the fabrics in it and still wanted to share it here :) I whipped it together with mostly Tula Pink & Violet craft fabrics in a sort of rainbow. I had fun muddling up the squares to get the colours to flow from one to another, almost like watercolour paints.

It's true what "They" say starch sprays, which ever type you use, make for an easier and more accurate time piecing patchwork.

I did my usual straight line quilting on either side of the seam, I like that it allows the fabrics to shine while helping to frame them nicely.

I love All Of The Colours!!! 

I thought this photo was quite sweet as depending on which way the quilt is folded you can pick out different colours.

Quilt on holiday! 

Full frontal (Oooh-Err!) 

I decided to get a little more organised this year *Him in Doors stop laughing!* and actually make the time to try out new projects that have caught my eye. So we've had a bit of an overhaul (That obviously involved me buying half of paper chase in the process) 
Todo lists at the ready and a reboot of my diet with another Whole30  I'm ever so slightly hopeful that this year will have more focus on streamlining and working smarter rather than harder to get to where I want to be.