Tuesday, 29 April 2014

My week so far.

Sunday evening turned into a jellied fruit and ice-cream sort of night. 
Sugar free jelly, low fat ice-cream and a glass full of berries makes for a reasonably satisfying pud, it's not chocolate cake but it's still sweet enough to kill a craving! :)

The Hexie quilt is taking shape nicely too, if I'm being honest the thing that takes the longest is picking the fabrics and cutting them. I haven't pulled a stack of fabrics for this one, it's just sort of growing as I go, I'm pulling a print from here and raiding my scrap pile for a hexie to go there. 

Then last night I needed some hand work to do while watching a few episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.LD. totally getting my geek on. 

Hopefully I should have some finishes to share very soon, they would be finished a lot sooner if I didn't have to go to that pesky time stealing place called work :) 


  1. Lol it is a shame work steals our valuable sewing time. I like your random approach to your hexagons, and the close up photo of that stitching with the Liberty fabric is just lovely!

  2. Your hexagon quilt is looking gorgeous. I love the fabrics you have chosen.

  3. I love colors you used in your hexie quilt. This colorway it's totally different than I'm using in my quilts and I love it!

  4. Work! If only we could all retire at about 30... I love your growing hexies. Happy May Day :)

  5. Hexies looking fab and pud looks yum! As for work - that's a four letter word, especially on a long weekend


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